Pleased with the acne products from the very start

I had some skin problems – the acne was the worst. I tried everything, every kind of product, to get my acne under control. A lot of Euro gone with no success! For 5 months now I’ve been using the fangocur products. This product line is amazing and provides real positive changes in not much time!

fangocur Mineral Soap
Simple skin cleansing with the Mineral Soap (and the Natural Sponge from fangocur).

angocur Mineral Mask
After washing use the Mineral Mask. Wait 30 minutes and wash off with warm water, again with the help of the Natural Sponge.

Bentomed from fangocur
Bentomed cleans the body from the inside and provides long-term skin detoxification. The drink should be used in the morning and the evening. Mornings on an empty stomach. In the evening 2-3 hours after you eat and before you go to bed. Just stir a teaspoon into 1/4 litre of water. So the active ingredients work better, you should let the drink sit for at least 10 minutes before drinking The Mineral Drink cleans the body from the inside and provides long-term skin detoxification. The drink should be used in the morning and the evening. Mornings on an empty stomach. In the evening 2-3 hours after you eat and before you go to bed. Just stir a half teaspoon into 1/8 litre of water. So the active ingredients work better, you should let the drink sit for at least 10 minutes before drinking Bentomed. This is a 3 week short-term treatment (pause for a week and then again for a week).. This is a 3 week short-term treatment (pause for a week and then again for a week).

Mineral Cream N°4
This is to be used in the morning and evening (after cleansing your skin). It provides dry skin with just the right amount of moisture. It fights inflammation and feels really good on your skin!

After the first use my skin dried out so that the unevenness in my skin went away. You should do the treatments every day to get the desired results! I am a very satisfied customer! That’s why I wanted to write in about the quality of the products and tell everyone about how amazing the results are! Give it a try – you’ll be amazed too!

Thank you very much – Sonia Maataoui, a happy customer




Length of Treatment

5 months

Products Used

Acne Mineral Mask, Acne Mineral Soap, Mineral Cream N°4, Bentomed

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