German Shepherd is free of gastritis and peptic ulcers thanks to Bentomed

Your Bentomed works amazingly well…even for dogs. My German Shepherd suffered with stomach ulcers and was frequently throwing up stomach acid. She was diagnosed with H. pylori. The doctor had already given up, and there were no more drugs to try. It was looking pretty bad. The veterinarian recommended that my dog be put to sleep – I was lucky to find your great products on the internet in time. After only a week she was clearly doing better, and after two weeks of treatment she’s now only rarely vomiting. It’s like the nausea that she had all the time has just gone away. I am really completely thrilled with the positive results. fangocur saved my beloved dog – I’m writing in to thank you very much!

Andrea Pavarini


Peptic ulcers and helicobacter pylori

Length of Treatment

3 weeks

Products Used


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