Big improvement in knee problems after using ArthroDisc Joint and Disc Capsules

Ever since September 2011 I’ve been having problems with my left knee. Sometimes I couldn’t even climb the stairs because of my left leg and I often had some pain when I moved in certain ways. I had x-rays taken but they didn’t show anything. An MRI was ordered and that did show that I had some wear and damage; the reason given was “aging” as I’m now 64 years old. A doctor that I trust a lot – Dr Klaus Katzensteiner, a top sports surgeon – thought that surgery wouldn’t be necessary.

Up until then I had already been taking the ArthroDisc joint and disc capsules as a preventative for three weeks. Dr Katzensteiner loved the ingredients and encouraged by to continue with my physical activity program and to keep taking the capsules because that would be best for my knee.

It is now completely better. Stairs are no problem and I can also easily go for an hour walk with my dog. I know that I have ArthroDisc Joint and Disc capsules to thank for these obvious improvements! I also ordered a package for my son because he also had knee problems, and today thankfully he too is free of complaints.

Once again thank you for taking care of everything so quickly.

Warmest wishes,

Margret Sapinsky


Knee pain

Length of Treatment

Regular use

Products Used

ArthroDisc Joint and Disc Capsules

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