Bentomed from fangocur causes a reduction of acidity

Dear people in charge, dear readers and customers of fangocur!

I found the fangocur website by chance while searching the internet for miracle cures against my stomach problems. At first I did not believe in fangocur and their products. Nonetheless, I immediately placed an order because I had the option to cash on delivery.

My daily pain:
For years I have to take medication against acid – a real torture because of all the side-effects (headache, redness of face,…) – to feel a bit better.

The treatment:
After about 10 days I could feel a definite improvement, a considerable decrease of stomach acid and a feeling of healing, although it was a bit too early. Seriously, I had less pain than before.

I intend to continue the treatment despite the taste of the drink, which reminds me of fountains in rural regions in Africa.

Alpha Sow

*Translated from the original French.


Acidity, stomach pain

Length of Treatment

3 weeks

Products Used


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