Bad skin with blackheads no more after Bentomed and Acne Mineral Mask

Symptoms: blackheads, enlarged pores and generally bad skin

My skin has always – more or less – been bad, with unattractive spots and enlarged pores. This has had an overall negative effect on my life.

I accidently came across the fangocur website and immediately had the feeling that my skin nightmare was soon to come to an end. I ordered Bentomed, because the skin should really be healed from within, as well as the Acne Mineral Mask because I wanted to treat the problem through and through.

I’ve always used natural products and I have experience with natural peelings. With the first use of the Acne Mineral Mask, I felt the same effects as after using an €80 mask treatment. I kept looking in the mirror afterwards because I simply couldn’t believe it.

The masked dried out the pimples and then they healed. The blackheads were somehow pushed out and the pores, thanks to the sulfer in the mask, became smaller. The Acne Mineral Mask is incredible – it’s replaced five other masks.

I noticed the effects of Bentomed after a few weeks. My skin became lighter, the pores shrank and my complexion developed a healthy glow. My digestion is better naturally, and when I eat something sinful the effects are less.

I’m no longer afraid of new spots appearing!

The products are also economical and allow one to save a lot of money on cosmetics.

Stop wasting your time and money on dermatologist visits or other products you find on the internet. The solution to your skin problems is here!

Nature is more powerful than technology.

Athina Folscheid

*Translated from the original French.


Black heads
Enlarged pores
Bad skin in general

Products Used

Acne Mineral Mask

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