Stopped receding gums – thank you Curative Toothpaste!

Dear fangocur Team,

I’ve always taken good care of my teeth, but nonetheless I had a big problem with receding gums.

While searching the internet earlier this year I found the fangocur site. Would these expensive products deliver what they promised? I was sceptical, but I ordered the Curative Toothpaste to try out on a short-term basis. I was really surprised: my gums stopped receding completely in my back teeth!

Now I’m doing another short-term treatment and I’m hoping for a similar improvement in the condition of my gums in the front. In the mean time I’ve also started using the fangocur Mouthwash.

I’m pleased to say that the products are well worth the money!

Your new regular customer,
Jutta Steeg


Receding gums

Length of Treatment

2 weeks

Products Used

Curative Toothpaste, Bentoforte

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